Our journey

Bona Dance was founded on the belief that dance is a deep and universal human passion. We are a group of dance enthusiasts from different places in Europe. Some of us are professional dancers, some of us just love dancing and we have been doing it for years. Some of us discovered the joy of dancing only at a later stage in our lives, when we were already adults and it has been an amazing and joyful revelation. Now, we want to open that Magic Door to everybody. We believe that dance is not a field reserved only for those who started dancing at a young age, or for individuals who are blessed with exceptional flexibility. 

Our Mission

We believe that it is possible to start dancing at any age, and to learn to move, express, enjoy, and create dance without compromising on professionalism, standards, and a high artistic level. Beyond being a unique field of creation and art, we believe that dance contributes to joy, empowerment, creativity, and health, and brings people closer together. In all of our study programs we emphasize respectful, attentive, and empowering interactions between teachers and students, and among the students themselves. We aspire to create a healthy learning environment, to put aside comparisons, to teach proper work that involves listening to the body, and to enable learning where enjoyment and professionalism meet.

Bona's guidelines

Design for beginners

For those who never danced before or with little experience

Small working groups

Enables intimate and in-depth work

Learning processes

working at a pace that is adapted to each individual and the group together

Dancing community

Interacting with people who share our passion

Our Students Share

"When I embarked on my dance journey, my life transformed in ways I never imagined. Dancing opened up a whole new world for me. It's more than just movement; it's a new way to walk and feel the world around me. Through dance, I've come to know myself in a completely different light. It has become a significant anchor in my life, providing a sense of inner movement and rhythm that resonates deeply within me. Dance isn't just a part of my life; it's a part of who I am."
Michal (27)
"I ventured into dance at the age of 40, coming from a world of computers. It was astonishing to discover the vast possibilities of movement between my body and the floor. This journey into dance has been eye-opening, revealing a range of motions I never knew existed. Now, I find myself dancing weekly, even if it's just in the comfort of my home. Initially, I was intimidated, wondering how I'd ever remember all the steps. But amazingly, with just a few lessons, my body adapted. It's been an incredible journey of growth and discovery."
Yaron (40+)
"I had a passion for dance in my childhood, but life took me in a different direction. A few years ago, a deep urge to move resurfaced. That's when I found Contact Improvisation (CI), and it was a revelation, love at first sight. This discovery led me to explore more classes and learn from various teachers. I've since embraced movement and touch as central to my life and work. I have reignited my dance story, proving to myself it's never too late to return to what you love."
Liza (38)

Start your dancing Journey

Berlin Lisboa Lugano Varese Zürich

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